Website Design and Development
Website design and development
The Internet is very different from all other media. It is cheaper, your advertising is available for a longer period of time, and what is the most important you can measure in real time your every statistical information. You could have an overview on which pages are most visited, from where people are coming to the site and more so.
The expansion of the internet market
The Internet has enabled businesses to move across geographic borders and to become available to every potential customer of your services or products in any part of the world that has Internet access, but today it is almost the whole world. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. All you have to do is to make consumers go to your website where they can get familiar with the information you are interested in.
Today there are very few things that cannot be purchased online. More than 20 million shoppers are buying practically everything online – from books, via a computer, a car, to real estate, aircraft, natural gas – you name it.
Let me clarify something: I’m not saying that you have to invest all your effort to sell goods over the Internet. However, if the goods are suitable for this kind of sale, you should really think about it. What I want to point out is that you at least need to be on the Internet to let you customers, potential employees, business partners and even investors to find you quickly in order to learn more about you, the products, and services you offer.
Mere possession of a website is not enough. You need a site that exudes professionalism in order to be taken seriously. Since a lot of customers are asking for information over the Internet, to eventually buy a product, your site can be a first step to display and leave an impression on a potential buyer. If your site looks like it was designed by a group of untalented color blind, the chances of leaving a good impression will be zero.
The good thing about the Internet is that it provides for small businesses the ability to perform on the same stage with the big players. As I said earlier, you only have one shot to make a good first impression. With a well-designed site, your little effort can create the look and professionalism of a much larger company. And it is quite possible to reverse this case. I’ve seen a lot of websites of large companies that were so badly designed and with so many poor navigations they completely took away the professionalism and credibility of the company. Good for you, bad for them.
Steps in making the website your perfect marketing tool:
- Analysis of market and competition
- Defining the objectives and plan of creating a website
- Development and production project
- Testing and commissioning of the site
- Monitoring and training
The website is an extremely important part of your business. Therefore, treat it in such a way.